#21-44 - Adopting Plan Valdez - the 2021 Comprehensive Plan
SUBMITTED BY: Kate Huber, Planning Director
Expenditure Required: N/A
Unencumbered Balance: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Approve Resolution #21-44 adopting Plan Valdez - the 2021 Comprehensive Plan.
After an extensive community-wide process, the Planning Team is ready to present the proposed final draft of Plan Valdez - the 2021 Comprehensive Plan.
The plan is meant to be the community's collective vision for Valdez over the next 20 years. It establishes a blueprint for future land use and infrastructure development and provides a guide for our elected officials, City staff, and private developers.
The plan is designed with seven themes that reflect the community's vision. Each theme contains specific goals, as well as short and long-term actions that will help us achieve those goals. Each action is tied to a metric that will allow City staff and officials to monitor plan implementation. The plan is designed to be amended as needed and updated every five years, to ensure that it continues to reflect our evolving community vision.
Plan Valdez was developed during an extensive multi-year process. The consultant team working on Plan Valdez was led by Corvus Design and included members from Kittelson and Associates, Rain Coast Data, SALT, PND Engineers, ECI, and Corvus Culture, as well as Gordon Smith.
The team was joined by members of City staff and was overseen by a volunteer citizen advisory committee - The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC.)
In order to achieve the broad community vision, the planning team undertook an extensive public involvement process. This process included 15 focus group meetings with various industry and community stakeholder representatives, multiple meetings with the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission, and sessions with other citizen boards and commissions.
The team al...
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