Approval of Settlement Agreement with Alderwood, LLC.
SUBMITTED BY: Jake Staser, City Attorney
Expenditure Required: NA
Unencumbered Balance: NA
Funding Source: NA
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Pursuant to the direction of the City Council, the City Attorney has negotiated a settlement with Alderwood. The settlement requires the City to provide a $30,389.58 credit for future water and sewer bills, which is the difference between the amount properly billed under code and the amount actually billed to Alderwood between 6/30/2020 and present. The Settlement will result in dismissal with prejudice of 3VA-22-00059CI. Going forward, the City will bill Alderwood for water and sewer on a metered basis and provide monthly bills indicating the amount owing per month, the amount of credit applied, and the amount of credit remaining. The parties will bear their own fees and costs.