Report - GFOA Distinguished Budget Award
SUBMITTED BY: Jordan Nelson, Finance director
Expenditure Required: none
Unencumbered Balance: n/a
Funding Source: n/a
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For the 5th consecutive year, the City of Valdez Finance Department has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award.
To earn recognition, budget documents must meet program criteria and excel as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communication tool.
This represents the 9th Award of GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Award to City of Valdez since the program’s inception in 1984, established to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality.
Some of the 2024 Adopted Budget document criteria deemed “outstanding” by reviewers were in Strategic Goals & Strategies, Priorities and Issues, and the Budget Overview categories. Criteria deemed “outstanding” by two or more reviewers are used by GFOA as national examples in training seminars.
Having a document of nationally recognized standards is a significant achievement, however, the Finance Department’s priority lies in creating a document that is readable, communicative, and digestible as it relates to the City’s financial plan and we openly seek feedback from the Public, City Council, and City Staff on improvements to content, graphics, and readability of the document.
In an effort to keep packet size minimal please see the final document online at: > Departments > Finance > Budget and Financial Statements > 2024 Adopted Budget