Approval of Contract Award with Build Alaska General Contracting, LLC for the Library Window Replacement Project in the Amount of $444,190.00
SUBMITTED BY: Austin Rake, Capital Facilities Project Manager
Expenditure Required: $444,190.00
Unencumbered Balance: $593,145.00
Funding Source: 350-0310-55000.2106
Approve the contract award with Build Alaska General Contracting, LLC for the Library Window Replacement Project in the amount of $444,190.00
Project Description: Replacing the existing windows at the Valdez Public Library. Library windows are original construction, leaky and 16 years beyond useful life.
Bidding: Three quotes were received from Build Alaska General Contracting, H Construction, LLC and R Squared.
Construction Schedule: Contactor will have the vacant library for the entire month of August to complete the work.
Liquidated Damages: $1000 / day
This project was originally bid in 2022 but was cancelled for insufficient funds and modified and rebid this year.