File #: 25-0118    Version: 1
Type: Work Session Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/13/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Work Session: Overview of PERA and Municipal Collective Bargaining
Attachments: 1. Public Employment Relations Act Overview, 2. Alaska Labor Relations Agency Email, 3. HR - Pros and cons of the City joining PERA, 4. RES 7214, 5. ORD 7518
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Work Session: Overview of PERA and Municipal Collective Bargaining


SUBMITTED BY: John Douglas, City Manager



Expenditure Required: n/a

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Funding Source: n/a



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Mayor Fleming requested a work session to discuss the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA) and possible implications of the City of Valdez allowing for collective bargaining with labor groups. Some Fire Department staff members have expressed an interest in being able to join the Alaska Professional Fire Fighters Association (APFFA). Representatives from the APFFA will be present to speak to the additional training opportunities and benefits afforded to their members.

Currently, the City of Valdez does not engage in any collective bargaining or recognize any labor organizations. PERA is the state law that governs labor relations and when it was adopted local jurisdictions had the opportunity to opt out. The city opted out of PERA first by Resolution in 7214 in 1972 and later by Ordinance 7518 in 1975.

The City of Valdez has the following 3 options moving forward and each has specific implications that would need to be explored further:

1.                     Opt back into PERA.

2.                     Create an ordinance to guide collective bargaining locally.

3.                     Remain as-is (take no action).

The following is the schedule for work session discussion:

                     Invited testimony from APFFA representative (10-minute limit for presentation)

                     Public comment on PERA/ collective bargaining (5-minutes per person)

                     Overview of Legal Memo on Collective Bargaining Options

                     Pros and cons of options presented from an HR perspective

Background materials are attached for Council review.