Approval of a Contract with M-W Drilling Inc., for the New Municipal Well #5 in the Amount of $306,508.00
SUBMITTED BY: Scott Benda, Senior Project Manager
Expenditure Required: $306,508.00
Unencumbered Balance: $1,422,006.78
Funding Source: 310-2538-58000
Approve the Contract with M-W Drilling Inc., for the New Municipal Well #5 in the amount of $306,508.00.
The New Municipal Well #5 project was out to bid for 30 days and one (1) bid was received. M-W Drilling Inc., of Anchorage submitted a bid of $306,508. The project consists of drilling a new 12” diameter well to a depth of 100’. This well will pump water into the tank on Blueberry Hill. During summer fish processing operations, the quantity of water being drawn from that tank causes the existing well #4 to run almost continuously to keep up with demand. In the event of a pump failure at well #4, the system would see low water pressure throughout town as the tank on Mineral Creek would need to provide all of the water. Muni Well #5 will provide redundancy to the system in that part of town and allow for the aquifer at well #4 to recharge as the wells can be operated in a lead/lag configuration similar to the wells north of town.