Procurement Report: Professional Services Agreement with R & M Consultants Inc. for Title 16 Revision Project in the amount of $89,755.
SUBMITTED BY: Paul Nylund - Senior Planner/GIS Technician
Expenditure Required: $89,755
Unencumbered Balance: 0
Funding Source: 001-5500-43400
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A comprehensive rewrite of the Valdez Municipal Code Title 16 Subdivisions, was a primary action identified in the Plan Valdez 2021 Comprehensive Plan. Specifically Goal 2.1 - Plan for responsible growth, which states “responsible growth occurs through deliberate planning, resulting in decisions that are predictable, equitable, and cost effective.” Action item D under this goal reads as follows: “Conduct a comprehensive rewrite of Title 17-Zoning, and Title 16 Subdivisions to implement Plan Valdez.”
The city issued a request for proposals for the Title 16 revision on October 17th, 2024, which closed on November 15, 2024. The sole proposal received was from R & M Consultants Inc. R&M is an experienced and qualified firm with offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau that is well suited for revising the subdivision code. Their original proposal included a significantly broader scope than what was anticipated by city staff. After discussions with R&M around utilizing the results from the robust public process of the comprehensive plan and zoning code revision, an updated scope was developed.
The project has already begun with a kick-off meeting on January 13th and is expected to be completed in late 2025.