Procurement Report: Professional Services Agreement with Shannon & Wilson for Additional Site Characterization Activities, HHES
SUBMITTED BY: Scott Benda, Senior Project Manager
Expenditure Required: $91,969
Unencumbered Balance: $115,708
Funding Source: 350-0310-55000-1601
Receive & File
In July ’23 a cracked fuel oil pipe was discovered next to the 8,000 gallon above ground fuel oil tank at HHES. Fuel oil had leaked onto the ground for an undetermined amount of time. Preliminary cleanup work immediately took place and the cracked pipe was repaired. In September 2023 formal cleanup operations were started with environmental oversight and sampling by Shannon & Wilson. Approximately 5 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed between the structures and the remaining soil was a treated with an in-situ chemical oxidation product.
This was the second spill at this site since the original cleanup in ’17. Due to the fuel spill occurring at a school and its close proximity to future muni drinking well #5, this site requires additional levels of monitoring and sampling to achieve eventual State of Alaska Dept of Environment Conservation (ADEC) compliance and close out.
The work in the attached proposal is required by ADEC and consists of preparing a work plan, advanced soil borings, installing soil vapor points and monitoring wells, collecting soil, soil vapor and quarterly ground water analytical samples, managing investigation-derived waste and reporting. A two-year time frame has been established for the work.
This report is filed per City Procurement Code 2.80.040 (procurement).