Procurement Report: Agreement for Professional Services - Valdez Wastewater Treatment Facility APDES Permit Renewal
SUBMITTED BY: John Witte, Public Works Director
Expenditure Required: $87,497.00
Unencumbered Balance: $88,000
Funding Source: 403-7200-43200, Sewer Department, Professional Fees & Services
Receive and file this report for informational purposes.
The contract is for professional services provided by HDR Engineering, Inc. to assist the City of Valdez in renewing the Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (APDES) Discharge Permit (AK0021431) for the Valdez Wastewater Treatment Facility. This renewal is necessary to ensure continued compliance with state and federal wastewater discharge regulations.
HDR Engineering, Inc. was selected as the most advantageous provider due to their experience with APDES permit renewals, familiarity with local regulations, and their comprehensive understanding of the Valdez Wastewater Treatment Facility.
This procurement report is provided in accordance with Valdez Municipal Code 2.80.040 Approval of City Council Required-Procurements. As the procurement amount exceeds $40,000 but does not exceed $100,000 and is a budgeted contractual service, city council approval is not required. However, notification to the council through this report is necessary.