File #: 25-0122    Version: 1
Type: New Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/17/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Accepting City Manager Resignation


Accepting City Manager Resignation


SUBMITTED BY: Elise Sorum-Birk, Deputy City Clerk



Expenditure Required: n/a

Unencumbered Balance: n/a

Funding Source: n/a





City Manager John Douglas tendered his resignation to City Council on Friday, March 14, 2025.

On Monday, March 17, 2025 Mayor Fleming requested a Special Meeting following the regular meeting to discuss the resignation in executive session.  Section 3.6(c) of the Valdez City Charter required “…at least 24-hours written notice shall be given designating the time and purpose of a special meeting…” and outlines additional notice requirements for holding a special meeting.

Under the Alaska Open Meetings Act, AS 44.62.310(c), “Action may not be taken at an executive session, except to give direction to an attorney or labor negotiator regarding the handling of a specific legal matter or pending labor negotiations.”

The official action on anything discussed in executive session must happen in open session.